Exam pressure starting to build? No, just a moment of high drama from the Drama and Theatre Program’s production of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Solanio (left, played by Erica Genereux) and Salerio (right, Bonnie Clarke) restrain Gratanio (Adam Goldhamer) during the trial of his friend Antonio. The play runs from March 28-31 and April 5-7. Call 514-398-6070 for more information.
Owen Egan
Killams for McGill duo
Professors A.P.S. Selvadurai and Roderick Macdonald are named two of the five
recipients of the prestigious Killam Prizes.
The story behind the
While their most recent study about the gap in mortality rates between blacks
and whites in the U.S. has been garnering all sorts of attention, the
epidemiologists at the public health group aren't resting on their laurels.
Ex-PM drops in for a visit
Former Prime Minister Paul Martin surprises students of Norman Cornett's
Religious Studies class with an unannounced visit.
Headliners: 24/7 election coverage and
everything in between
Sure, the provincial election was the big news of late, but McGillians still
had lots of other things to talk about.
P.O.V.: The magic of McWHO
U4 arts student Max Reed writes about his participation in the recent McGill
World Health Organization Simulation.
Profile: Where there's peace, there's
Frédéric Samvura's journey, from Kenyan refugee camp to the Roddick Gates as
an Economics and International Development student, is an inspirational story
of courage.
At play in the world of forms
Architecture professor Pieter Sijpkes likes to design buildings out of just
about any material — including ice.
Entre Nous with Richard Pound, Chancellor: Fair
play's vocal champion
He's brash. He's outspoken. He's controversial. He's Richard Pound, the man
most feared by athletes juiced up on drugs.
Google and you shall find
What do Google and McGill.ca have in common? Read on and find out.
The McGill community mourns the loss of Alan Edwards and Robert V.V.
Mapping within the map
Systems biology is the new black. You heard it here first.
Mini Science not just brain
Spurred by Faculty of Science Dean Martin Grant's avowed distaste for
"twice-chewed" outreach programs, the presenters of the upcoming Mini Science
series offer lectures that will test your brain power.
Coping with water scarcity
The Brace Centre for Water Resources Management marks World Water Day with
presentations by professors and students.
MMICC winners work hard, sleep
McGill hosts students from around the world as part of the seventh McGill
Management International Case Competition.
Research journal gives undergrads chance to
With the re-launch of the McGill Science Undergraduate Research
Journal, undergrads get the rare opportunity to have their research
Emission? Impossible
McGill's Electric Snowmobile Team makes its competitors eat powder at the
SAE's Clean Snowmobile Challenge.
Kudos: Glory of the Greeks
McGillians sure do win lots of awards.
Senate: Planning McGill's future
Among other issues hashed out in Senate, Morton Mendelson, Deputy Provost,
Student Life and Learning, presents senators with the administration's
preliminary response to the final report of the Principal's Task Force on
Student Life and Learning.
Around campus
Brothels, rock operas and our friend the chicken. Ah, just another week at
The photojournalism exhibit Voices on the Rise: Afghan Women Making the News officially opened last week in the Faculty of Law Atrium. (L to R) Chair of Media@McGill, Professor Marc Raboy, exhibit co-curator Khorshied Samad, Afghanistan's Ambassador to Canada Omar Samad and Vice-Principal (Inter-institutional Relations) Michael Goldbloom at the March 21st vernissage. The exhibit will remain open to the public until April 3.
Owen Egan