August 24, 2006

August 24, 2006 McGill University

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McGill Reporter
August 24, 2006 - Volume 39 Number 01
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Tennis anyone? Communications student Susana Medina is given some tennis pointers from Tamara Bellefleur at the Rogers test-your-serve booth outside the Roddick Gates August 9. Quebec tennis stars Marie-Eve Pelletier and Alexandra Wosniak joined in, along with actress Marina Orsini. Rogers was raising money for Tel-jeune.
Andrew Dobrowolskyj

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How do you like them apples? Members of McGill's Organic Food Cooperative sow the seeds of goodwill by handing out the fruits of their labour to passersby in front of the Student Union building. From left to right: Nathalie Turenne (U3 International Development Studies), Mira Burt-Wintonick (Concordia, U4 Communications) and David Perrier (U4 Law) display bushels (okay, milk crates) of locally produced tomatoes and apples.
Owen Egan

Ready to roll
McGill crackles with potential of new school year

They're baaaaack. The trickle of fresh-faced students arriving on campus will soon give way to a veritable torrent, marking the beginning of the 2006-2007 academic year. Buckle up.

McGill's web revamped
Website redesign offers smooth sailing to navigators

Since it looks like this Internet thingy just might catch on, a team of McGill specialists took on the daunting task of redesigning the university's website. In all, a staggering 25,000 pages have been spruced up — and you get cranky when you have to paint the guest room.

AIDS: Where are we now?
As if co-chairing the XVI International Conference on AIDS in Toronto from August 13-18 weren't enough, the indefatigable Mark Wainberg still found the time to whip off a rundown of where we stand in the fight against this dreaded disease.

Highlands of Hope

Betty Liduke, the School of Nursing's first International Clinical Instructor in Africa, started a quiet revolution in the AIDS-ravaged highlands of her native Tanzania.

From big bosses to memory losses

Oft-interviewed Karl Moore turns the tables on Canadian business bigwigs; Jennifer O'Loughlin hammers home another nail in the coffin of coffin nails; Dalius Briedis doesn't know what all the stink is about with our public pools; and Barbara Sherwin says that a little estrogen'll keep you sharp as a tack.

Frosh week now and then

Considered McGill's funniest person by many, Derek Drummond looks at the differences between the McGill of today and the school he came to as a freshman 50 years ago. How old is Drummond? He's not saying, but he still refers to men's pants as "slacks."

Victor Chisholm: Climbing his personal Everest

Undergraduate research officer Victor Chisholm recounts how he went from someone who was afraid to put his face in the water four years ago to a triathlon silver medalist in the Outgames.

Ask an expert
Accounting for musical taste

Apparently, as with just about any of our other personal shortcomings, bad taste in music can be blamed on our parents and the losers we hung out with in high school. Or so music guru Daniel Levitin suggests.

Frédéric Bachand's legal tome may not sell like the latest Danielle Steele offering, but when was the last time she won the Walter Owen Book Prize for legal literature? Also, Mark Wainberg and Norbert Gilmore get feted for their contributions to HIV/AIDS research.

Entre Nous
Morton Mendelson, Deputy Provost, Student Life and Learning

Although he's got the newest job on campus, Morton Mendelson is no rookie. Given the mandate to streamline student services and cut through the red tape, the 30-year McGill vet says it's not as Sisyphean as all that.

Principal's Task Force sets stage for change

After nearly a year, the Principal's Task Force on Student Life and Learning is almost pulling into the station. Members of the task force give readers a glimpse of their findings.

Satanic Purses
Book explodes myths of terrorist funding

So, maybe Osama bin Laden is just misunderstood. While economist R.T. Naylor doesn't go that far in his most recent book, he maintains that the al-Qaeda leader's power and influence has been greatly exaggerated by Western governments with hidden agendas.

Survive and thrive
A visual guide to your first week at McGill

Written by a recent grad, this comprehensive guide for new students lists a baker's dozen of must-know McGill landmarks and student services.

Also in the guide:
For new professors

Milestone mania

Order of Canada honours three McGill professors

A trio of McGill profs were named to the Order of Canada recently. Who are they? Read on.

McGill Minis pack big punch
Open lectures offer maximum educational fun

You've heard it before; size doesn't matter. Well, this time it's true. McGill Minis are celebrating their fifth year of edifying Montrealers and the general public on everything from physiology to family law.

Around Campus
From health care reform and alternative teaching methods to belly dancing and muff warmers, this version of campus highlights offers something for just about everyone.

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From left to right: Rosa Orlandini, Cynthia Davidson, Siu Do, Zafiro Bouwman, Louise Gendron and Adèle Toutant.

Grasp Sparrows Tail meets Rumbling Dumpster

Members of a lunchtime tai chi group, many of whom are McGill employees, share a chuckle in front of the Redpath Library on lower campus with the approach of a dump truck.

The scene begs the question; if someone yells, "Get out of the way, quick!" to a gaggle of tai chi-ers, what really happens?

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"The Terror War has con- verted the world's banking infrastructure into a global espionage apparatus."
Economist R. T. NAYLOR in an interview on his book "The Satanic Purses"


Welcome back!
Better distribution, new feature

As you stroll back onto campus, refreshed by your summer off, you may have noticed shiny new racks — perhaps you even picked up this copy from one, or else from your department's main office. Over the summer, we've created a better distribution system, including snazzier racks and an expanded mailing list. Let us know how we're doing at providing you timely access to McGill's faculty and staff newspaper.

The contents of the paper are similar. We still carry the popular "In Focus" staff or student profiles. "Headliners" by Associate Editor Neale McDevitt gives the pithy lowdown on McGill in the news. The "Entre Nous" Q & As continue with top staffers discussing university initiatives. And if you're looking for something to do on any night of the week, check our "Community Calendar" and "Around Campus" sections. And Natalie Fletcher will be at the design helm for another year.

There's one new feature we think you'll enjoy: "Ask an Expert." Given the collective knowledge of worldly (and otherworldly) matters on campus, we figured it's time to tap into that brainpower with questions on all those niggling things we've often wondered about but didn't know who to ask. We start off in this issue by asking psychology professor and musicologist Daniel Levitin, "Why do we like some music and not others?" Write in with your own question, and we'll track down an expert for an answer.

Another difference, in the office at least, is that our intrepid Editorial Assistant Catherine Paquette is leaving her post. But not the university lifestyle — she received a grant to start a Master's in English, Creative Writing, at that other Montreal Anglo institution, Concordia University.

Congrats Catherine! We'll miss you.

Happy reading,
Maeve Haldane, Editor, McGill Reporter