Oxford Professor Richard Dawkins before a rapt full house for the Homecoming Beatty Lecture. Prof. Dawkins, author of the current bestseller The God Delusion, gave the lecture "Queerer Than We Suppose: The Strangeness of Science." See full story.
Owen Egan
McGill Lucide
The McGill-hosted Quebec Lucide conference proved once again that few
Quebecers pack 'em in like Lucien Bouchard.
Uniting laws and nations
International law takes centre stage as McGill announces the new Hans and
Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law.
Headliners: From chubby kids to skinny
This week McGill researchers take on all kinds of scourges including obesity,
smoking, blindness and childbirth complications.
P.O.V.: Page against the machine
Pascal Zamprelli, a former House of Commons Page and current McGillian, gives
us the scoop on what life is like up on the Hill.
Katie McKenna: Tracking the year before
Poli Sci student and documentary maker Katie McKenna outlines the
similarities between high school boys and other primates.
Ask an expert: Copyrights and
Want to write a book where Tarzan and Zorro square off against each other?
Richard Gold gives us the ins and outs of copyright laws.
McGill again first in Canada, 21st in the
It's bad form to tell everyone you're the best in the nation. However, if the
Times Higher Education Supplement should say it...
Entre Nous with Christopher Manfredi, Dean of
the Faculty of Arts
Winning arts and minds... Beyond the classroom
Just four months after taking the helm of McGill's largest and most diverse
faculty, Chris Manfredi gives us the lowdown on academic renewal, the endless
search for more space and why he turned his back on the Habs.
Childhood obesity conference
Experts from all over the world are attending the 2006 McGill Integrative
Health Challenge Think Tank. For an insider look, view the conference
ACFAS, NSERC and a national baseball title.
Trio honoured
What could be better than finally earning your degree? Getting your diploma
beside a 10-time Stanley Cup winner. Check out the three heavyweights getting
honorary degrees at Fall Convocation.
First and 10
Disgraced a year ago, the playoff-bound McGill Redmen football team are
making headlines for all the right reasons this season.
Virus shuts down game
St. Francis Xavier game cancelled.
Voynova remembered for her 'quiet
The McGill community mourns the tragic death of Mila Voynova.
Managing medicine
Management guru Henry Mintzberg hosts the first ever International Masters
for Health Leaders, the world's only such instruction for top-notch health
leaders from around the globe.
Bowling with the masters
So what does Karl Moore do with a gathering of some of the world's top
business minds? Why, he takes them bowling, of course.
Fresh talent expanding
Our annual new profs issue profiles nine of the 80+ recent arrivals to
McGill's faculty.
Combining resources
The architectural mock-ups of the new Engineering Student Centre are so cool
even the little figurines look happy.
Strange science in the middle
Controversial British ethologist and evolutionary theorist (and the man once
called "Darwin's Rottweiler") delivers the Beatty Lecture during Homecoming.
Margaret's Massey
Margaret Somerville kicks off her Massey Lecture series at the Mount Royal
Crunching numbers.
Around campus
Plays, pumpkins, physics of superheroes, and the Osler Lecture reaches a
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Owen Egan
Chad Gaffield, new president of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada recently visited McGill, his first official university visit since taking over the helm at SSHRC in September. Gaffield, a former student and history professor at McGill, now heads the largest federal funding agency in Canada for the humanities and social sciences, with a budget this year of $306 million.
During his visit, Gaffield toured the new Branch of the Quebec Inter-University Centre for Social Statistics (QICSS). Seen here left to right: Jack Sandberg (Prof Sociology), Chad Gaffield, Nathalie Cooke (Associate Dean Research, Arts), Jo Ann Lévesque (Director, Office of Research Opportunities), Céline Le Bourdais (CRC in Social Statistics and Family Change), and Amélie Quesnel-Vallée (Prof Sociology and Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health).