As temperatures hit the deep freeze, we get a much-needed taste of spring thanks to Free at Last, a painting by Deborah Stewart, one of the contributors to125 Douglas Stories and Drawings, a book published to celebrate the Douglas Hospital's 125-year anniversary. For more on the book, which includes artwork and stories by patients, staff and friends of the hospital, turn to page 7.
Deborah Stewart
McGill demands end to freeze, greater
student aid
A McGill delegation urges the National Assembly to once again make education
its leading priority.
More than 4,500 expected at Open
It's all about the numbers: 700 volunteers get ready to give 4,000+ visitors
the royal McGill tour in just five hours.
Echenbergs launch human rights
The generosity of Penny and Gordon Echenberg enables the Faculty of Law to
establish the Echenberg Family Conference on Human Rights.
Headliners: Broken bones, battered noses and a
bird's best friend
McGill's newsmakers are featured on ABC News and in the pages of the
New York Times, the Washington Post, the
Globe and Mail and Scientific American.
P.O.V.: The lessons of Raoul
The M.P. for Mount Royal and McGill law professor celebrates the incredible
bravery and humanitarianism of Raoul Wallenberg in saving thousands from the
Nazi onslaught.
Jonathan Blais: Cutting the competition down to
He's the Sidney Crosby of North American lumberjacks — just 19 years old and
the very best collegiate woodsman on the continent.
McGill Web gems: More website mysteries
In the second installment of this regular feature, Shainblum uncovers online
joys to be found at the websites of Virtual McGill and the Office for Science
and Society.
Tireless fundraiser McNab dies at
Few people loved McGill as much as Betty McNab and even fewer worked as hard
to make it a better place.
McGill's iconic, ironic
Entre Nous with Derek Drummond, Interim Director of Athletics
If a vote was held to pick a walking, talking McGill icon, Derek Drummond
might win in a landslide. Nearing the end of his tenure as Interim Director
of Athletics, the always frank Drummond talks about hazing, the role of
athletics at McGill and the delight he derives from publicly skewering his
good friend, Chancellor Richard Pound.
The present imperative: End Poverty
Why did the Montreal Mirror recently put Nejeed Kassam and his
cohorts at End Poverty Now on its list of Noisemakers 2007? Maybe it has
something to do with their lofty ambition to do away with world poverty.
McGill researchers pursue faster, better TB
Work being done by McGill researchers on developing a new test for
tuberculosis will benefit health care workers in developing countries who
come into frequent contact with the disease.
Douglas 125th anniversary book fights
125 Douglas Stories and Drawings is a touching collection of
letters, stories and drawings by the patients, staff and friends of the
Douglas Hospital.
Senate: No amnesty for National Day of
A motion to get the university's blessing for students to miss class in order
to participate in demonstrations for better post-secondary funding is soundly
defeated in Senate.
Collection turns spotlight on city's unseen
A simple poetry workshop at the St. James Drop-In Centre leads to 14
marginalized people becoming published poets.
Around campus
This week's lineup of not-to-be-missed events includes a biodiversity
symposium, a toad flick, standout stand-up comedy, a man-eating plant and, of
course, another freaky offering from the good folks at the Redpath Museum.
Search (skip):
On Jan. 20, 120 participants saddled up for McGill's Dignitas Youth's first annual Race for Dignity, a stationary bike-a-thon that raised $4,500 for the Dignitas International field project in Malawi and its fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic. (From left to right) McGill Dignitas Youth executive members Nora Coghlan (U3 History), Amy Smart (U2 History) and Enca Lemieux (U2 Environmental Science) encourage Jacques Caron, member of the McGill Triathlon Club.
Andrew Dobrowolskyj