SNOW-AP goes green. Aaron Donny-Clark, SSMU President; Mort Mendelson, Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning); Gill Prendergast, SSMU VP (Communications and Events); and David Sunstrum, VP (Finance and Operations) take in the festivities of an alarmingly snow-free SNOW-AP.
Owen Egan
Trottier Symposium to grapple with big
Want to know the best way to rile up a group of renowned physicists? Put them
in the same room and whisper two words: "anthropic principle."
Principal Munroe-Blum
The Board of Governors unanimously votes to reappoint Heather Munroe-Blum to
a second term as Principal and Vice-Chancellor.
Interactive kiosk unveiled
The folks at Engineering go space age thanks to an interactive kiosk
developed by the good folks at the Centre for Intelligent Machines.
Headliners: Squat squirrels, cardiac kids and a
New York State of mind
A trio of McGillians feature prominently in the New York Times; Mini-Med hits
the small screen; and local opossum sightings.
P.O.V.: Le trésor de Rackham le
URO Com Officer Céline Poissant lets us in on the connection between Tintin
and Denis Thérien, VP Research and International Relations.
Sarah Burnell: Canadian Folk Music Award-winner
isn't just fiddling around
Classical violinist by day, award-winning Celtic fiddler by night. The dual
personality of Sarah Burnell.
McGill web gems: Uncovering online
In the first of what promises to be a popular regular feature, we look at
some of the hidden treasures to be found on the McGill website.
Soup & Science feeds hunger for
They came for the soup and stayed for the science.
Entre Nous with James Lund, Dean of the Faculty
of Dentistry
A program with teeth: A former Aussie Rules footballer, the longtime dean
doesn't pull any punches when discussing all things dental.
New Year's resolutions?
Not even two weeks into the New Year and your resolutions have already gone
down the drain? No worries. Psych prof Richard Koestner, himself a serial
failed resolutionist, tells us why it's so tough to follow through on our
good intentions.
From Liszt to Led: New music course plugs
Our intrepid reporter sits in on Bruckner and Heavy Metal: From Chord Power
to Power Chord -- arguably the most intriguingly named class in McGill
The pain women don't talk about: Breaking taboos
to find answers
Psychology prof Irv Binik needs your help (if you're a woman between 45 and
Virtual gallery exhibits student
Where do all the cool McGill artists hang out online? Here, that's where.
Making safe space on campus
Liz Meyer and Gregg Blachford hope that the Safe Space program makes McGill
more accepting of gays.
Around campus
Ushering in the New Year with health, art, a bit of the Bard and, of course,
a little birds and the bees.