Ad rates and production schedule

Ad rates and production schedule McGill University

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Ad rates and production schedule

The McGill Reporter accepts advertising from departments and units connected to McGill University, as well as from businesses and organizations with no McGill affiliation. Custom sizes are available upon request.

Ad rates for internal (McGill-affiliated) organizations

Ad rates for external organizations

5'' (w) X 2'' (h) $85
5'' X 4'' $105
5'' X 5'' $125
5'' X 6'' $140
5'' X 7.5'' (quarter page) $170
2.5'' X 15'' (quarter page) $170
7.5'' X 7.5'' $250
5'' X 15'' (1/2 pg. vertical) $315
10'' X 7.5'' (1/2 page) $315
10'' X 15'' (Full page) $535
5'' (w) X 2'' (h) $110
5'' X 4'' $180
5'' X 5'' $210
5'' X 6'' $240
5'' X 7.5'' (quarter page) $280
2.5'' X 15'' (quarter page) $280
7.5'' X 7.5'' $410
5'' X 15'' (1/2 pg. vertical) $545
10'' X 7.5'' (1/2 page) $545
10'' X 15'' (Full page) $950

Also available

Spot colour: $165 per colour. Full colour: $660
Classified ads: $15 (for up to 30 words, 25ยข per word thereafter)
Frequency discounts

Publication Schedule and Deadlines

The deadline for ads and letters to the editor is now noon on Thursday the week immediately prior to publication week. Deadlines for coming issues are:

August 30 2007 issue: Deadline August 23 (noon)
September 13 2007 issue: Deadline September 3 (noon)
September 27 2007 issue: Deadline September 20 (noon)
October 11 2007 issue: Deadline October 4 (noon)
October 25 2007 issue: Deadline October 18 (noon)
November 8 2007 issue: Deadline November 1 (noon)
November 22 2007 issue: Deadline November 15 (noon)
December 6 2007 issue: Deadline November 29 (noon)
January 10 2008 issue: Deadline January 3 (noon)
January 24 2008 issue: Deadline January 17 (noon)
February 7 2008 issue: Deadline January 31 (noon)
February 21 2008 issue: Deadline February 14 (noon)
March 6 2008 issue: Deadline February 28 (noon)
March 20 2008 issue: Deadline March 13 (noon)
April 3 2008 issue: Deadline March 27 (noon)
April 24 2008 issue: Deadline April 17 (noon)
May 15 2008 issue: Deadline May 8 (noon)
May 29 2008 issue: Deadline May 22 (noon)

For more information, please call 514-398-5668.

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