McGill's Jamie Scholefield was named the Canadian Interuniversity Sports male athlete of the week on September 24 after this three-goal performance versus rival Concordia. In other fitness news, on October 6, McGill will host the Journée nationale du sport et de l'activité physique. Between 11:45 am and 1:30 pm, several hundred downtown workers will gather on campus for a fitness session and a walk around the campus.
Andrew Dobrowolskyj
Professor Clark
Former prime minister Joe Clark signs on as a Professor of Practice for
Public-Private Sector Partnerships at the McGill Centre for Developing-Area
A force to be reckoned with
McGill students walk away with a record five awards at the annual Forces
AVENIR gala in Quebec City. But they're just doing it for the community.
Seymour Schulich does it again
Hockey has its Stanley Cup and now the Schulich School of Music has its own
Golden Violin.
Headliners: From falling bridges to rising
McGill's bullpen of experts weigh in on everything from crumbling
infrastructures to unwanted mollusks.
P.O.V.: Discussions with the Dalai
What's better than meeting the Dalai Lama once? Meeting him twice, of course.
Catherine Stace: Doing unto others
She used to be one of McGill's unsung heroes, but we're singing her praises
now. Read how this CAPS advisor goes above and beyond the call.
Ask an expert: Hitting the high
Stephen McAdams, CIRMMT director, fields the question as to whether it is
possible for the human voice to shatter glass. He also tells us why marching
soldiers get so out of synch as soon as they hit a bridge.
Architecture prof Annmarie Adams will be enjoying her own homecoming of sorts
in 2008, when she hopes to return to her alma mater, University of California
Berkeley, after winning the $40,000 Arcus Endowment Scholar-in-Residence
Entre Nous with Chandra Madramootoo, Dean of
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
These are busy days at Mac Campus, what with the centenary, the commemorative
stamp and a boosted interest in new fields like nutrigenomics, bioprocessing,
food safety and bioinformatics. Dean Madramootoo takes a few minutes out of
his hectic schedule to fill us in on what's happening at McGill West.
Going on the ethical wallaby
Margaret Somerville will be living the life of a rock star for the month of
October as she embarks upon her cross-Canada Massey Lectures series. The
sometimes controversial, always affable director of McGill's Centre for
Medicine, Ethics and Law expounds upon everything from bio-terrorism to
Iconic Hersh to help launch
Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh — the man who
brought us My Lai and Abu Ghraib — will deliver a speech in conjunction with
the opening of McGill's innovative media and communications studies program.
McGill devotes a week to
McGill's Social Equity and Diversity Education office will be hosting the
first annual Harassment Prevention Week, geared towards exploding common
myths and misconceptions and helping people recognize harassment in its many
Cancer prevention gets attention at
Not content with just researching cancer, oncology and medicine prof Michael
Pollak began an outreach program that educates the public on how to prevent
the disease.
Fighting childhood obesity around the
Big kids now. Big problems later in life. McGill is organizing its second
annual Think Tank to gather experts in a variety of fields to come up with an
action plan to wean our kids off the cheeseburgers.
Finding narwhals
Natural Resource Sciences doctoral student Marianne Marcoux spent her summer
perched on a cold rock shelf looking down on the frigid waters off Baffin
Island. Sleep-away camp gone horribly awry? No, just part of her research
studying the social structure of narwhals, those crazy whales with the
unicorn horn.
People helping people
Bet you didn't know that the very first Centraide march back in 1991 kicked
off on McGill's downtown campus. Sure did.
Cyanide and sin
How does a man turn a five-year eBay habit into a nifty book celebrating the
classic covers of those cheesy true crime mags of the 1950s? Only art history
and communications prof and pulp fiction aficionado Will Straw knows for
While silos are great for storing livestock feed and nukes, they are lousy
places from which to run health departments. So how is the McGill Educational
Initiative on Interprofessional Collaboration promoting interdisciplinary
teamwork? Read on...
Honouring Bruce Trigger
Hollywood can keep Indiana Jones, we've got Bruce Trigger — the
archaeologist's archaeologist.
Hooked on wireless
Remember when you were the talk of the block if your TV could get Gilligan's
Island without manipulating the old rabbit ears for 20 minutes? Well, those
days are long gone, as witnessed by the upgrading of McGill's wireless
network. That explains the ear-to-ear grins on laptop users across the
More than talking heads at Future of Music
David Byrne's coming to McGill to discuss the direction of the music
industry. Are musicians being taken to the river?
Can philosophy help the Middle
Professor Carlos Fraenkel takes a philosophical approach to solving the
Middle East tensions by going to the Al-Quds' classrooms.
Around campus
Sea monsters, werewolves, the world's most prominent atheist and lots of free
stuff! Can it really get any better than this?
Search (skip):
"You know, Margo, the problem with you is that you're full of mystical nonsense."Nobel Prize winner, James Watson, to Margaret Somerville in regards to her spirituality.
Claudio Calligaris
Chandra Madramootoo, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at McGill's Macdonald Campus, helps McGill Principal and Vice-Chancellor Heather Munroe-Blum unveil a Canada Post stamp commemorating the campus's 100th anniversary. The September 26 unveiling ceremony kicked off a year of centenary celebrations. For a full calendar of events, visit Celebrating 100 Years.