Combining resources

Combining resources McGill University

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McGill Reporter
October 26, 2006 - Volume 39 Number 05
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Combining resources

New Engineering Student Centre to bring services together

Engineering students will soon have easier access to essential services and student resources. Instead of tramping up to the third floor of the MacDonald Engineering Building for Student Affairs, down to the Adams Building for career advising, and elsewhere for student tutorials, all these services will be available on the ground floor of the Frank Dawson Adams building. The McGill Engineering Student Centre, slated to open in January, will be "a way to concentrate a lot of the faculty-run student services — administrative, academic and career — into one place," says Julia Weaver, Engineering Undergraduate Society VP-Academic.

The Student Affairs Office will move down to the new student centre where it will continue to provide a range of services, including personal and academic advising, information on registration and graduation requirements, study abroad and exchange opportunities.

The Student Affairs Office will work with the McGill Engineering Career Centre, already located on the site of the new Student Centre, to provide students with the resources they will need from their freshman year until graduation. The career center helps students find internship and job opportunities, and hosts company days, like the recent Shell Day, where companies come and speak with students about jobs, recruitment, how to prepare for interviews and what to expect from a company.

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