What to do on a Tuesday night? How about attending the free public forum "Advances in cancer research: from the lab to the patient" on Tuesday, September 12? Presented as part of a joint conference held by Israel's famed Weizmann Institute of Science and the McGill Cancer Centre, the forum will bring together internationally renowned scientists to speak about exciting new developments in cancer research. McGill Cancer Centre Director Michel L. Tremblay will moderate the quintet of presentations and the question period that follows.
Advances in cancer research, Palmer Auditorium, McIntyre Building, 1200 Pine Ave. September 12, 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Admission free but reservation required. For more information or to make reservations call 514-398-6268 or email magdalena.maslowska@ mcgill.ca.
He's been ranked one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the 20th century by Time magazine and has been heaped with praise by everyone from Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev to Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Muhammad Ali. With credentials like that, who better than Deepak Chopra to give the first Beatty Memorial Lecture of the new semester? On September 14, in conjunction with the World's Religions After 9/11 Congress, the iconic doctor-philosopher will speak on "Religion and Spirituality."
The former Chief of Staff at Boston Regional Medical Center, Chopra began envisioning a medical system based on the idea that good health could only be attained through a balance of body, mind and spirit. To achieve this harmony, Chopra believes we must bridge the technological breakthroughs of the west with the wisdom of the east. On top of being a revolutionary, Chopra is also a renowned speaker who, in 1995, was named one of Toastmasters International's Top Five Outstanding Speakers, along with Nelson Mandela.
Beatty Memorial Lecture: Deepak Chopra. Palais des Congrès, 201 Viger Ave. W., Rm 517D. 9 am, although people are asked to arrive at 8:30 am. Admission is free but seats are limited. For tickets and info: 514-499-8920.
Scenes from last year's bazaar include rummaging through the bazaar offerings, Denis Morton looming large and Vanessa Reid, then-executive director of Santropol Roulant, surveying the scene.
Courtesy of Santropol Roulant
Santropol Roulant's 10th Annual Bazaar and Street Fair will be taking St. Urbain Street by storm on September 9. Bargain hunters can sift through the donated clothes, books, furniture, gadgets, food and other items in their obsessive quest for a good deal. And it's shopping with a social conscience, as money raised goes toward supporting the non-profit organization's many charitable activities, such as its rooftop garden, worm composting project and, of course, its trademark meals-on-wheels service. Over the years, numerous McGill students have volunteered and worked at Santropol Roulant. During the bazaar, comedians, DJs, musicians and — yes — stilt-walkers will keep young and old entertained all day and, in case of rain, the event will be held on September 10.
Santropol Roulant Bazaar and Street Fair; 4050 St. Urbain St., September 9, 10 am to 4 pm.
It's not easy being a post-grad at McGill. On top of the obvious pressure to produce top-flight research, there's always the challenge of surviving the Post-Graduate Students' Society (PGSS) annual Welcome Week. From September 5 to 15, the gruelling schedule includes such taxing events as Super Extreme Trivia Challenge, brewery tours, the Amazing Race III and the fast-paced spills and thrills of speed dating. The PGSS Course Showcase introduces post-grads to the courses offered by the PGSS, including salsa, tango and kickboxing. Speaking of contact sports, the Thomson House House Warming Party is always great way to wrap up festivities, with DJs, dance floors, raffles and an army of gyrating post-grads.
PGSS Welcome Week, September 5 to 17. Full schedule of events.