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McGill Reporter
November 16, 2000 - Volume 33 Number 06
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To the editor:

I was initially thrilled to read the Article "A Blessed Event." Here we were seeing the Roman Catholics practicing Ecumenism at a university: At last our excellent Faculty of Religious Studies would have a Chair in the Roman Catholic Religion.

Then I became more and more amazed, the Roman Catholic Chair was in arts and history, yet was to deepen faith!

At a time when scientists are being urged and cajoled into applying ethics and morals in their subjects, by people who have neither ethics nor morals, it is disappointing for our University to be so immoral, and unethical, in a travesty of intellectual honesty, to hide religious ideas under Arts instead of openly in Religious Studies.

Perhaps for the first time in my life I now see why the Reformation was necessary and why Ecumenism is a false dream.

I remain, sir, perplexed and dismayed,

Professor M.A. Whitehead
Department of Chemistry

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