Photo: Owen Egan
A blessed event
It isn't every day that the Archbishop of Montreal shows up to formally bless a new endowed chair. But the Kennedy Smith Chair in Catholic Studies has a unique mission: to fuel a wide-ranging investigation of the different influences Roman Catholicism has had on society.
Contrat nears completion
McGill and the Quebec government are drawing closer to reaching an agreement about how McGill's performance will be judged over the next few years.
David Johnston returns as McGill hands out honorary degrees and emeritus professorships in recognition of some remarkable careers.
Teaching supplement
What advice would some of McGill's best teachers offer to those who are new at the profession?
Protein snipers
The head of the new Canadian Institutes of Health Research recently shared his thoughts on the future of medical research and the role that the CIHR will play in fostering that research.
Arthur Erickson: Concrete poet
One of Canada's most successful and influential architects has little time for museums that try too hard to be pretty or university teaching that stresses process over instinct.
Battling bacteria
Bacteria are becoming tougher all the time, resisting the antibiotic treatments that used to put them out of commission. Now researchers are trying a new approach -- sneaking the antibiotics past the bugs' defences, Trojan Horse style.
Slice of life: Racing down the tenure track
Young academics must tread a difficult road on their way to applying for tenure. And nobody is promising a happy ending.
Also in this issue Kaleidoscope
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