Fifty student models from various faculties strutted
their stuff for the 11th annual Phassion show put on by the Management
Undergraduates' Society, held March 14 at Metropolis. Carol Robinson,
sponsorship coordinator of Phassion's dedicated organizing committee, says
they've raised over $10,000 for local AIDS organization Farha Foundation and
they're still counting the beans coming in. They packed the joint, with just
over 900 people paying $20-40 a ticket.
Photo: Owen Egan
James Martin
While some student activists have voiced frustration with the slow pace of the
process associated with establishing McGill's new environmental policy, the
committee in charge of shepherding the policy insists that progress is being
End of science? Nah
Eleanor Brown
Sir John Maddox, former editor-in-chief of Nature, has plenty of ideas about
the future of science. During his recent Beatty leacture, he shared his notions
with a large McGill audience.
Parasite versus
Maeve Haldane
It takes a thief to catch a thief, the old adage goes. That seems to hold true
for parasites as well, as McGill scientist Manfred Rau plots to use one type of
parasite to thwart another, more dangerous parasite.
Rough ride for ice storm
Stephanie O'Hanley
Psychiatry professor Suzanne King used Montreal's infamous ice storm as a
real-life testing ground to examine the effects of maternal stress during
pregnancy on a child's subsequent development. The early results are
The art of
Maeve Haldane
He invented the term anesthesia, befriended Melville and Hawthorne and was the
driving force behind The Atlantic Monthy. But most of all, Oliver Wendell
Holmes loved to talk. He helped infect a generation of Americans with a similar
passion for meaningful conversation. English professor Peter Gibian's new book
explores Holmes's legacy.
Rethinking the war on
Daniel McCabe
Economist Tom Naylor thinks the good guys can be just as scary as the bad guys
sometimes. Police forces are obtaining questionable new powers in the battle
against organized crime and they aren't wielding these powers with much concern
for civil rights. As for organized crime, it isn't nearly as organized as we're
led to believe.
Concussions: Cause for
Anna Bratulic
Concussion experts are concluding that the injuries are far more dangerous than
people once believed. A leading expert recently visited McGill to share some of
the latest facts.
The campus campaign
Mark Reynolds
Voter apathy, a hostile press, heart-breaking losses, crushing workloads.
Student politicians face some daunting obstacles as they try to make a
difference in how the University is run.
Also in this issue
Willy Blomme balances school with her work as a high-profile national organizer
for the NDP; The many faces of Betty Crocker.
Watching female MPs get the job done; Queer McGill throws itself a party; CKUT
gets national exposure; A new web site offers a unique take on Montreal history
through its tales of flowers and herbs from yesteryear.