"Have at thee varlot! Thou doth hog the TV remote and I shall smite thee!" Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism, a group committed to recreating the way of life of the Middle Ages – minus the sword wounds and the plague – recently gave a demonstration of what they do on the lower campus. Anyone interested in finding out more about them can visit www.total.net/~mbc/idd.
Photo: Owen Egan
Another CFI success
McGill committed itself to hiring some of the brightest young minds available to serve as the University's new faculty. If McGill's huge success in the most recent Canada Foundation for Innovation granting competition ? one tailored to new professors ? is any indication, the University is doing just that.
On-line education here we come
In partnership with several other universities and Thomson Learning, McGill will develop a virtual university providing courses for the Asian market. McGill hopes to use the exercise to improve its own expertise in distance education. Some McGill professors are concerned about the plan's implications.
Get fit
A new on-campus fitness program targeted at staff and faculty has become an instant hit. McGill staff will be abandoning their desks at lunchtime to cycle, do aerobics and take part in Yoga.
Back to the books
Michelle Tisseyre took a little break from her McGill studies ? it lasted more than 65 years. She was busy winning national awards for translation and becoming a broadcasting sensation in Quebec. Now the 83-year-old is back to finish what she started.
Disturbing images
A documentary video about South African children and their disturbing drawings by a graduate student that was designed for educational purposes is drawing attention throughout the country and around the world. The video just won a major award from the Montreal World Film Festival.
A tale of drugs and deception
Marketing professor Kunal Basu, an expert on customer loyalty, has been spending a lot of time thinking about drug smuggling and other underhanded activities. He isn't offering his expertise to drug lords. Instead he has written a novel about the opium trade that is earning raves from critics.
McGill in the movies
Benjamin Bratt, Jane Seymour, Katie Holmes and Bridget Fonda are among the stars who have recently visited McGill to shoot their movies. McGill's rich architecture ensures that plenty more stars will be visiting us in the future.
Udder despair
E. coli and other bacteria that cause mastitis in cows cost the Canadian dairy industry $200 million a year in lost profits. Animal science professor Xin Zhao is looking at why this happens and what can be done to improve the situation.
Don Bates: A scholar and leader
Professor Don Bates, the chief architect of the Department of Social Studies in Medicine and a widely respected scholar, passed away recently.
CKUT: Rendez-vous radio for Montreal's diverse communities
A radio station like no other that offers shows like no other, McGill's community radio station has earned the respect of even the august New York Times
Also in this issue Kaleidoscope
On campus
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![]() James McGill is no fool. Seeing the Titanic going down, he's getting the heck out of there. Or so it seems as the statue of our venerable founder was temporarily kept company on the lower campus by a host of giant inflatable thingamajigs, such as this Titanic replica, as part of Frosh Week's events.