No this isn't a scene from Gert's pub, with students
nursing their wounds in the wake of a particularly brutal exam. Opera McGill
students were rehearsing a scene from their upcoming production of Igor
Stravinsky's rowdy opera, The Rake's Progress. The production begins on
January 30 and runs until February 2 at Pollack Hall. Performances start at
7:30 pm and tickets can be bought in advance from the Faculty of Music's box
office (555 Sherbrooke St. West). For more details, see our "On campus" section. Music students taking part in the
production include (left to right) JK Kim, Marcelle Boisjoli, Karel Martin
Ludvik and Jessica Muirhead.
Photo: Owen Egan
Task force begins
They are among McGill's best teachers and they help keep the University's
research labs humming. A new task force will look at the issues facing
McGill's non-tenure track academic staff.
Preserving India's
India has few problems producing food, but preserving it? That's a different
story. Agricultural and biosystems engineering professor Vijaya Raghavan
estimates that India's post-harvest losses add up to a staggering $15 billion
each year. Backed by millions of dollars of CIDA funding, Raghavan has built
an alliance with Indian universities and farmers to stem those losses.
A new take on
As First Nations communities take over the administration of their schools, a
new generation of principals and administrators require the sophisticated
leaderships abilities and the cultural sensitivity to run these schools
properly. A new McGill program aims to supply them with the skills they'll
Guiding ethical
What's the bottom line in protecting human research subjects? What are the
ethics involved when a researcher can get rich from her findings? McGill's
Pierre Deschamps will help draft guidelines that will have a national impact.
Women in wartime
Is there much to say about women when you're talking about World War I? As
historian Susan Mann explores the topic she isn't at a loss for things to
say. Who says that all war stories are about men?
Cultural concepts of brain death and
In her new book, Twice Dead, medical anthropologist Margaret Lock tackles
bioethics and notions of death in Japan and North America. Advances in
medical technology are never as straightforward as they appear.
Invasions of the
Anthony Ricciardi tells of the consequences of living in a biological global
village as organisms from part of the world often run roughshod in their new
habitats. He is busy trying to predict how species will get along.
McGill's night owls
The University isn't a nine to five sort of place. There are all kinds of
things going on in the dead of night. Security guards dodging pumpkins.
Students looking for their theatrical big break. Researchers burning the
midnight oil.
Also in this issueKudosKaleidoscopeThe woman who hopes you will judge a book by its cover; Why home can be hazardous for wheelchair users; smart-mouth debaters come to town to talk your ear off. On campusHitting the right notes in Opera McGill's The Rakes Progress; Poetry @ lunch feeds the soul; Adventurer Bruce Kirkby talks of nights and days in Arabia; Theatre director Bill Glassco shows students how to Shakespeare; McGill students host model United Nations. |
![]() Ali Hayes (U1 Arts) is ready for her close up. She is one of an estimated 11,000 or so returning students who will troop off to the Redpath Library to get a new McGill ID card made. The new cards are compatible with the Banner records system that is being put in place. According to Kathy D'Alesio, supervisor for direct services in the Admissions, Registrar's and Recruitment Office, and the person overseeing the process, the cards also include radio antenna that will soon allow card holders access to the buildings they need to get into after hours. Owen Egan |