Putting on a bright face for the McGill cheerleading
team tryouts, young women and men recently strutted their stuff in a bid to
earn a position on the squad. The team performs at McGill football and
basketball games. Coach Lesley van Zyl, a kinesiology student, says her
team's members must master forming human pyramids, lifting teammates in the
air and doing back handsprings - all while smiling. The team is preparing for
an upcoming competition in Acapulco for the International Cup of the Americas
in May.
Photo: Owen Egan
Investing in research
A new $26 million venture capital fund teaming McGill with Sherbrooke and
Bishop's universities aims to turn promising lab results into money-making
Taking the pulse of health
The McGill Institute for the Study of Canada's recent conference on health
care offered a variety of prescriptions but no consensus on a diagnosis.
Student awards stir Senate
At their last meeting, McGill's senators contended with rising tuition fees
for some international students, the prospect of naming whole faculties after
donors and the University's controversial Dean's Honours List Award for
graduate students.
Why the music biz is
Music industry insider Howie Klein says that the big record companies are
heading for disaster and it's their own dumb fault. They forgot it's all
about the music.
Sex shouldn't be a
Between 10 and 15% of women regularly experience pain during intercourse. For
some women, the pain compares to the agony experiences by cancer patients.
Psychology professor Irv Binik is trying to shed some light on an area that
hasn't received much attention in the past.
Fighting the green
Environmentalist Wangari Maathai visited McGill to deliver the University's
prestigious Beatty lecture. She had some choice words for corrupt African
leaders while she was here.
Dangers in DNA
Professor Eric Shoubridge has gained the support of the highly selective
Howard Hughes Medical Research Institute for his research on mitochondrial
diseases. Many of these illnesses are particularly dangerous or debilitating
and they're difficult to diagnose.
From onstage to
McGill's vibrant theatre scene offers students a wide range of opportunities
for honing a variety of skills. "You're given a lump of money and told, 'go,'
says one student. "A lot of excellent stuff comes out of it."