Save a tree today

Approximately 70 per cent of McGill's daily waste stream is recyclable paper
– about 1,400 metric tonnes of it per year. There are a number of things you
can do with paper before throwing it into the recycling bin, and ways to cut
down on paper use – period.
- Think twice before clicking "Print," especially for emails and Web pages.
- Keep a scrap pile of used paper on your desk you can use for writing
- Make used paper notepads – McGill Printing Services will bind used paper
into notepads for a minimal cost.
- Photocopy both sides of a sheet. Most photocopiers, including the Canon
copiers deployed by Ancillary Services in early 2004, can be set to
print/copy double-sided by default.
- Print on used paper – Laser printers can be fed with unwrinkled paper
that has already been printed on one side. Make a diagonal pen strike across
the previously printed side of the paper to avoid confusion.
- Opt into the electronic delivery of documents like pay stubs whenever it
is offered.
McGill has had a paper use policy since September 2005. Read it here: