McGill duo cops coveted Killams

McGill duo cops coveted Killams McGill University

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McGill Reporter
February 21, 2008 - Volume 40 Number 12
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Home > McGill Reporter > Volume 40: 2007-2008 > February 21, 2008 > McGill duo cops coveted Killams

McGill duo cops coveted Killams

Less than 24 hours after the Applause 2008 gala feted McGill's award-winning researchers, news that a pair of professors have been named Killam Research Fellows gave McGillians reason to extend the celebration.

Professor Stephen A. Smith, William Dawson Scholar in the Faculty of Law, and Professor Henri Darmon, James McGill Professor of Mathematics, have been awarded two of this year's 10 Killam Research Fellowships considered among Canada's most distinguished research awards. Killam Research Fellowships, administered by the Canada Council for the Arts, have a value of $70,000 a year and enable Canada's best researchers to devote two years to full-time research. Professor Smith's award will allow him to carry out a research project called Court Orders and the Replication, Transformation and Creation of Rights. Professor Darmon's award will further his research into elliptic curves, modular forms and algebraic cycles.

The award recipients were chosen by the Killam Selection Committee, which is comprised of 14 eminent scientists and scholars representing a broad range of disciplines. This year, the committee considered 97 applications during the selection process.

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