November 22, 2007

November 22, 2007 McGill University

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McGill Reporter
November 22, 2007 - Volume 40 Number 07
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Home > McGill Reporter > Volume 40: 2007-2008 > November 22, 2007
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Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright tackles the issue of business's role in fighting global poverty during the inaugural Peter Brojde Leadership Lecture, which included an on-stage conversation with Yves Fortier, former Canadian Ambassador to the U.N. and co-chair of Campaign McGill.

The business of battling poverty

Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright shines as speaker for the inaugural Peter Brojde Leadership Lecture.

Quand la gestion va, tout va!

Cette année, le thème de la conférence du Management Forum est Living, Learning and Preserving Excellence (Vivre, apprendre et maintenir l'excellence).

Building AIDS awareness through the arts

So what is YAHAnet anyway? Read on.

Headliners: From foul fuel to transplant tourism

Kidneys for sale, online aggression and a whole lot of dirty diapers.

P.O.V.: What about violence against women on dates?

The Director of the McGill Domestic Violence Clinic looks at the disturbing trend in men who abuse the women they are dating.

Profile - Renée Sieber: Informing the people and the planet

Amazon basin-based Amerindians on Google Earth? Are things getting too crowded on the information superhighway?

McGill Web Gems: The little Emperor and a big research aid

More hidden treasures from the McGill websites.

McMaster University honours Principal Heather Munroe-Blum and husband, Len Blum, and C.J. Li writes a head-turning page-turner.

Entre Nous with Mark Wainberg, Director, McGill AIDS Centre
Taking aim on AIDS

He's been a leading AIDS researcher since the beginning of the epidemic and a vocal, unflinching activist. He's Mark Wainberg and he's not afraid to speak his mind.

Alive with hope

Akbar Ganji, Iran's top dissident, sees a future of democracy and peace.

Notes from the Field: Treading on thinning ice

Bruno Tremblay, a professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, brings readers on a field trip to the ice floes of the Canadian Arctic.

Walking a mile in someone else's shoes

Jane Everett, Dean of Students, swaps places for a day with biochemistry undergrad Nicole Darricarrere.

Around Campus
Music and doctors, doctors and music, and the much-anticipated return of Town Hall!


A female polar bear and her cub watch warily as the Amundsen icebreaker carrying McGill researcher Bruno Tremblay passes by.


A female polar bear and her cub watch warily as the Amundsen icebreaker carrying McGill researcher Bruno Tremblay passes by. See Tremblay's first-person account of his Arctic field work.

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Steven Hersch hits his mark playing Biondello in The Taming of the Shrew, presented by the Department of English. The play opened on Nov. 21 and will run until Nov. 24 and again from Nov. 29 to Dec 1. For tickets, call 514-398-6070.


Steven Hersch hits his mark playing Biondello in The Taming of the Shrew, presented by the Department of English. The play opened on Nov. 21 and will run until Nov. 24 and again from Nov. 29 to Dec 1. For tickets, call 514-398-6070.

Centraide campaign picking up steam

With less than a month to go in McGill's Centraide Campaign, the total stands at $248,574.12 toward the goal of $290,000.

Upcoming fundraising events include a bake sale on Nov. 26, starting at 11:30 a.m. in the mezzanine of the Education Building and a jewelry sale from Nov. 28-29 in the lobby of the Bronfman Building. For more information:

ATTENTION: McGill researchers!

Please let the McGill Media Relations Office know well in advance of any upcoming publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Though we can't promise a press release in every instance, we will respect embargoes and deadlines to help publicize your research accomplishments at McGill.

Contact Mark Shainblum for more information.