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Thank heaven for batteries — the little bundles of energy that keep our gadgets purring smoothly. But the fact remains that batteries are loaded with some of the most toxic heavy metals on the planet including zinc, lead, lithium, mercury and cadmium. Tossed into unprotected landfills, batteries corrode and eventually leak their toxic payload into the environment.
Rather than throwing used alkaline batteries into the garbage, McGill encourages you to drop them into one of the many battery collection bins found in residences and throughout the downtown and Macdonald campuses. A complete list of locations can be found at
Old batteries can also be sent to McGill's Waste Management Program. For small quantities, place your batteries in a padded envelope or a well-sealed small box, and send them by internal mail to: Recycling of Materials, Waste Management Program, McIntyre Medical Building, Room 129. For large quantities, call 398-5066. More information can be found at