Robert L. Carroll, curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Redpath Museum, was recently given the Romer-Simpson Medal, the highest award given by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, an international organization of over 2,000 members.
Jean Monnet Professor of Law Armand de Mestral was inducted into the Order of the Red Cross, after having served 11 years as a governor of the Red Cross Society (1998—1999 as VP and 2000—2001 as president). He was honoured November 14 at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Red Cross Society.
The Committee on Teaching in the Faculty of Arts recently announced the winners of the Graduate Student Teaching Awards. They are: Allan Bale, TA in the Department of Linguistics; Harry Lerner, TA and sessional instructor in the Department of Anthropology; and Merdrie Purdham, TA in the Department of English.