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McGill Reporter
November 25, 2004 - Volume 37 Number 06
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Around campus

Discussion with the Principal

Principal Heather Munroe-Blum wants to find out what you're thinking. Got something you want to know about academic planning? Have an idea that can make the place run better? Just curious about what's going on?

Heather Munroe-Blum

The Principal is having a Town Hall—style meeting with the McGill community — just her, a microphone, and the enquiring minds of students, faculty and staff. The only agenda is what you bring to the table, so start scribbling down your questions now.

The goal of the Town Hall is to exchange ideas on issues of relevance to the McGill community.

This will be the first of what is to be a regular series of Town Halls held at locations across McGill.

Tuesday, November 30, Meakins Ampitheatre, McIntrye Medical Building, 5th floor, 1:30 to 3 pm.

Student Research Day!

The Faculty of Medicine is hosting another Student Research Day, scheduled for Wednesday, December 1, commencing at 12 noon in the Jonathan Meakins Amphitheatre, fifth floor, McIntyre Medical Science Building.

Researcher holding up a blue solution

Students who participated in the Summer 2004 Research Bursary Program will be presenting their work in the format of a scientific meeting. The aim of the Research Bursary Program is to encourage students to take part in a research project under the supervision of a McGill faculty member by offering research bursaries. The program gives students the opportunity to have a role in literature search, formulation and understanding of methodology (which is of high scientific calibre), interpretation, writing and presentation of findings involved in conducting research.

Presentations will each be 10 minutes in duration, with five extra minutes set aside for questions from the audience. Prizewinners will be announced at the reception following the presentations. Faculty members, interested hospitals, university staff and all students are invited to come to this event.

World AIDS Day at McGill

The 17th World AIDS Day will be marked at McGill by talks, a vigil and awareness-raising events. Former journalist Anurita Bains is the Special Assistant to Stephen Lewis, the United Nations Special AIDS Envoy, will speak at McGill in the Leacock Building, room 132, at 7 pm on December 1.

AIDS ribbon

The theme of World AIDS Day 2004 is "Women and Girls". Ms. Bains will speak about gender and AIDS, drawing on her work in Africa, where she worked with Nelson Mandela supporting the Global Movement for Children in South Africa. According to UNAIDS, gender inequality fuels the AIDS epidemic. All over the world women do not enjoy the same rights and access to employment, property and education as men. Women and girls are also more likely to face sexual violence. This makes them more vulnerable to HIV and, as the primary care givers to the sick and dying, to the impact of AIDS.

Other commemorative events will take place at McGill during the week of November 24 to December 1. These will include kiosks in the Shatner, Leacock, and McConnell buildings. The focus will be to raise awareness about the far-reaching impacts and social justice implications of a seemingly distant pandemic.

In addition, under the artistic direction of Dean Jobin-Bevans, director of the McGill Conservatory of Music, Voix Libres will present a benefit concert in support of La Maison du Parc, a Montreal hospice for people living with HIV/AIDS. They will perform Gabriel Fauré's Requiem, Tuesday, November 30, 7:00 pm, at the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul, 3415 Redpath Street (corner Sherbrooke West), $20 donation at the door.

Playing up physical perfection

When The Shape of Things, a play by Neil LaBute, made its Canadian premiere in Toronto, one of the chief sponsors was Botox Cosmetic. It was no coincidence: the play examines questions of surface appearances, art and identity.

Caption follows
Michaelangelo's David: the perfect man?

College student Adam falls in love with Evelyn, an artist, and goes to great lengths to change his entire appearance for her, even going so far as to undergo plastic surgery. In effect, he becomes the creation of Evelyn.

Sounds pretty grim, but LaBute has tackled dark material before to great comic effect in the films Nurse Betty and In the Company of Men.

The Shape of Things is coming to McGill Players Theatre. The troupe is offering door prizes at every show, plus a chance at a grand prize of a European tour through Contiki Holidays. The show contains nudity. November 24 to 27 at 8 pm. $6 for students, $8 for adults, $5 each for groups of six and more. Players Theatre is located on the third floor of the Shatner Building, 3480 McTavish. Call 398-6813 for reservations.

Riches now, lean times ahead

They say it's never too early to start thinking about getting in shape. We here at the Reporter disagree — we have the entire holiday season ahead of us, with its rounds of parties, rich foods and chocolate.

Woman doing a handstand

Go ahead and indulge, but plan for the bulge. Take the opportunity to sign up for the Winter semester of the Staff Fitness Program. Registration starts the week of November 29, and courses start January 10. So, if you put your name on the dotted line now, you can masticate and imbibe to your heart's content, knowing that you're prepared to deal with the consequences at that best of all times — later.

Register in the Client Services Office (G-20C) of the McGill Sports Complex, located at 475 Pine Ave. W. Please bring a valid McGill staff ID card and the $15 course fee (cash or cheque).

Register on November 29 and December 1 for Monday and Wednesday classes, and on November 30 and December 2 for Tuesday and Thursday classes. One course per semester, please — requests for multiple courses will be reviewed at the end of the second week of classes, space permitted.

Please contact Jill Barker at 398-7011, or by email at, with any questions or comments. See and follow the link to Staff Fitness on the left for the 2005 schedule of courses.

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