University Archivist, Johanne Pelletier, was recognized by CREPUQ (Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec) and ASGÉU (Association des secrétaires généraux d'établissements universitaires) for her work as editor of the English-language version of CREPUQ's rules governing university record-keeping. The document, "Recueil des règles de conservation des documents des établissements universitaires québécois," is a significant accomplishment, and Ms. Pelletier's role in its preparation was pivotal. Pelletier has been invited to present both the English and French versions of the Recueil to the International Congress on Archives in Vienna.
Reynolds Mastin was co-winner in the ninth "If I Were Prime Minister" essay contest sponsored by auto-parts manufacturer Magna Inc. (See Reporter story, September 25 issue). McGill's Noah Billick, Nicholas Gafuik, and Amitabh Saxena were among the ten finalists. The finalists receive $10,000, plus a four-month internship at Magna or at an NGO. The winner gets a further $10,000 ($20,500 total), plus a year-long internship.
Ronald Melzack, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, was awarded the Prix Adrien Pinard for outstanding research in psychology by La Société québécoise pour la recherche en psychologie.
Jean-Nicolas Gagnon from the lab of Professor James Coulton, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, was the winner of the graduate student competition for best presentation held by the Canadian Society of Microbiologists in Laval. He joins two former members of the lab who were also recipients of this national distinction as Canada's leading graduate student microbiologist.
The McGill Woodsmen/ Woodswomen teams came away victorious once again after a competition held at Sir Sanford Fleming College in Ontario. The ladies' and men's teams took first in many of their events. Macdonald Campus will be hosting the Annual Woodsmen Competition, Saturday, January 31, 2004.
Two McGill students have won 2003 Amelia Earhart Fellowship Awards for their research in aerospace science and engineering. Katrina Brandstadt, a materials engineering graduate student and Nancy Martineau, a doctoral student in geomorphology, are two of the three Canadian winners. Zonta International of Chicago offers the $60,000 (U.S.) awards, established in 1938, to women pursuing graduate degrees in aerospace research. Thirty-five fellowships are awarded each year.
McGill Redmen goaltender Kim St-Pierre became the first woman in CIS history to earn a win in a men's regular season hockey game, and was named the top athlete in Canadian university sports.
Toby Morantz, associate professor of anthropology (retired), has won the Raymond Klibansky Book Prize for best English-language book in the social sciences for The White Man's Gonna Getcha: The Colonial Challenge to the Crees in Quebec.