Gambling, drinking — dear lord, we imagine there may have even been dancing! We grow faint. Despite the innocent grins of Sonja Klinsky, Melanie Rousseau, Camellia Ibrahim, all geography master's students, we know that the comely trio were up to naught but debauchery at the Post-Graduate Students Association Masquerade Ball on February 13 at Thomson House. Perhaps their consciences were wiped clean by the funds they helped raise for Farha Foundation for AIDS awareness.
Owen Egan
McGill presents to
The Quebec parliamentary inquiry into the state of higher education allowed
McGill administration to make their pitch to rationalize the funding process
for universities and allow universities to tap new sources of income.
Penny pinching and power
The McGill Energy Week was a success, with a power consumption reduction of
8.2 percent in the three monitored buildings. But Environment Officer
Kathleen Ng said more needs to be done in terms of awareness.
Birks Lecture on Islam
The study of Islam has changed several times over the years, and the future
for the discipline is looking bright, according to Azim Nanji, Director of
the Ismaili Studies Institute in London. Nanji came to McGill to deliver the
annual Birks Lecture sponsored by the Faculty of Religion.
Visions of Shakespeare
Shakespeare — both the man and his plays — through the eyes of artists is the
subject of a display in the McLennan-Redpath library curated by Richard Virr.
Saving Karelian
Karelia is a small republic within the Russian Federation, struggling to hold
on to a threatened language that is the subject of Russian and Slavic Studies
professor Paul Austin's research.
Wallenberg Lecture
Saad Ibrahim spent 300 days locked in an Egyptian prison for promoting civil
society in that country. He recently delivered the Raoul Wallenberg Lecture
on Human Rights.
Student journals: publish and
Undergraduate students are publishing their academic work in student-run
McGill conference debates the future of
Ex-Montrealer Zack Taylor (BA'95) returns to town to report on the MISC
conference. He is now a Toronto-based urban planner and designer, and is
teaching a course at the University of Toronto on the urban landscape.
Delivering the goods
Through rain, and sleet, and swarms of crickets McGill's mail service handles
1 million pieces of post a year — and the occasional puppy.
Branching out with math
Pierre Dutilleul is a statistician who studies trees. Examining how branching
patterns affect light-gathering efficiency in plants can improve our
understanding of photosynthesis, and by extension, food production and the
Face off against injury
Hockey is Canada's passion — but it's a dangerous sport, even when you are
wearing all your safety gear. David Pearsall is a McGill researcher who is
studying helmets to fine-tune their protective properties for all players.