Professor Ariel Fenster of the McGill Office for Science and Society demonstrates that where there's smoke, there isn't always fire. Fenster was showing his chemical brew to CEGEP student winners of the McGill Science Award, with a little visual assistance from I Dream of Jeannie, at McGill's Open House on February 1.
Owen Egan
New Dean of Education: inclusive
Internationally recognized expert on inclusive education Robert Slee came all
the way from sunny Australia to become Dean of the Faculty of Education.
U21 on tour
Universitas 21, the international partnership of 17 research and teaching
universities from around the globe, provides travel grants for students,
staff and academics to work and teach abroad.
The bionic Mann
He's no $6-million-dollar man, but University of Toronto professor of
electrical engineering Steve Mann is at the forefront of using technology to
improve on what Mother Nature gave us.
Shedding light on a rare genetic disease
Tuberous Sclerosis affects thousands in Canada, yet few people know about the
genetic disorder that can wreak havoc throughout the body. It was the subject
of a recent conference at the MNI.
The steamy side of McGill
Those tunnels than run beneath campus aren't just home to urban legend — they
transport the steam that heats most of the downtown campus.
The workshop of a literary great
The Groupe de Recherche sur Gabrielle Roy is making the French Canadian
writer's unpublished writings public, and interest in her work is as strong
as ever, two decades after her death.
Fat of the land
There's a lot more of North Americans than there used to be — if not in
numbers, then certainly in gross volume. We're getting fatter, but Tim Johns,
a researcher at the School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, says aboriginal
knowledge could help us fight the tide.