Only a decade ago, it would have been unthinkable: A photo exhibit of women in Afghanistan, their faces not only uncovered but proud, frightened, engaged – doing a job that would have been viewed as an act of uncivil disobedience. Since their inclusion as citizens in 2004, women in Afghanistan are reclaiming their voices through the media and working to ensure that all Afghan women are heard. From March 21 to April 3, Media@McGill, the McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism and the Embassy of Afghanistan will present Voices on the Rise: Afghan Women Making the News. The exhibition, which highlights the link between Afghan women’s participation in media, politics and the reconstruction of their war-torn country, will be open to the public at the Faculty of Law Atrium, Chancellor Day Hall, 3644 Peel Street. On March 21, at 4 p.m, Afghanistan’s Ambassador to Canada, Omar Samad, will open the exhibit. Featuring the work of Afghan, Canadian and international photographers, Voices on the Rise offers a glimpse into the lives of Afghan women journalists, writers, photographers, filmmakers, activists and politicians and the challenges they face as they search for a balance between their newfound freedom and their traditional responsibilities amid the constraints of living in a war zone.
leslie knott
Veronique De Virgerie/Sayara Media and Communication
Elise Jacob
Farzna Wahidy/AINA