To the Editor,
Re: MUNACA negotiations
The University has put productivity on the table, the MUNACA/University negotiating table, so let's look at productivity.
The University has proposed that all staff give up 4 days of holidays to increase productivity and, as well, want the Clerical staff to shorten their lunchtime by 15 minutes. Some official has, for sure, multiplied the 4 holidays by the number of staff and has added the 15 minutes times the number of secretaries and has thereby quantified this glorious addition to the University's productivity, but has the lowering of morale and the general bad taste this proposal leaves in your mouth been subtracted? I wonder if it was even thought about?
Things do need to be cut once and a while. During past times of financial restraint, the University even cut a Vice-Principal position when Dr. Yaffe retired. During the following years, the 1800 plus Non-Academic staff was reduced to about 1200 (remember that, it was called "doing more, with less"). In the rebound these days, McGill, now, has more Vice-Principals, Associate and Assistant Vice-Principals, Provosts, than ever in its history and a Principal worthy of every penny that she is paid.
Has the University considered hiring more Non-Academic staff to deal with the needed increase in productivity? Hiring more staff seems to have worked well at the senior administrative levels.
I'm sure that if we all worked together we could make a more complete list of potential areas of increased productivity without launching what seems to be an attack on the lower paid staff of the University.
Allan Youster,
Birks Reading Room
Faculty of Religious Studies