Two McGill students -- one current and one recent graduate -- are among the 12 students awarded national scholarships for 2003-04 from the Trudeau Foundation. Sociology PhD Anna-Liisa Aunio and law alumnus Robert Leckey, currently enrolled in University of Toronto's LLD programme, will each receive $35,000 annually for up to four years, plus funding for research-related travel expenses. Aunio will examine the role of international NGOs in negotiating environmental change, including the debate about genetically engineered food in Canada. Leckey's interdisciplinary doctoral work will look at how legislatures and judges view the individuals subject to their laws.
Mechanical engineering student Julie Bellerose has won third prize in "Prix universitaires du Mérite 2003 de l'Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.
Christine Oliver, Specialist Cataloguing Services Librarian, Library Technical Services, is the winner of the McGill University Libraries' Career Recognition Award for 2003.
Anna Di Pietro, Financial Coordinator, Health Sciences Library, is the winner of the McGill University Libraries' Staff Excellence Award for 2003.
Young Engineer of the Year Award goes to Dr. Michael O. Ngadi, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. The CSAE/SCGR award recognizes outstanding contribution to knowledge, research and teaching in food process engineering.
Principal Heather Munroe-Blum has been distinguished as an Officer to the Order of Canada. Munroe-Blum's appointment was announced August 5 by the Governor General of Canada, the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, as part of the 109 new appointments to the Order of Canada and ten promotions within the Order. The Order of Canada was established in 1967 to recognize outstanding achievement and service in various fields of human endeavour. It is our country's highest honour for a lifetime achievement.
On July 23, Team iSun, McGill's solar car racing club, finished a respectable ninth overall in a field of 20 solar-powered vehicles in the gruelling American Solar Challenge, a ten-day, 3,680-km race from Chicago, Illinois to Claremont, California. The team was second of cars using silicon solar cells. McGill's car, which was designed and built by the team members -- all of whom are students -- was judged to have the best mechanical engineering by the race organizers, whose rigorous standards barred 10 of the 30 teams that entered the race. Team iSun's vehicle can reach speeds of 120 km/h.
Another cohort of McGill professors was inducted into the Royal Society of Canada. The seven professors were Jorge Angeles, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Peter Edwin Caines, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Thomas M.S. Chang, Faculty of Medicine; Henri Darmon, Department of Mathematics and Statistics; Philippe Gros, Department of Biochemistry; Rémi Quirion, Department of Psychiatry; and Keith J. Worsley, Department of Mathematics and Statistics. The Society is comprised of prominent researchers and scholars in both Canada and abroad. The seven new members join over 100 McGill colleagues in the Society.
Anthropology professor Margaret Lock will be receiving the 2003 Robert B. Textor and Family Award for Excellence in Anticipatory Anthropology at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association in Chicago. The award encourages and rewards excellent contributions in the use of anthropological perspectives, theories, models, and methods in an anticipatory mode. Such contributions will allow citizens, leaders and governments to make informed policy choices and thereby improve their community's chances for realizing preferred futures and avoiding unwanted ones.
Armand de Mestral, Faculty of Law, has been named Jean Monnet Professor of the Law of International Economic Integration by the European Commission. De Mestral is one of four Jean Monnet Professors in Canada.