If working alone during silent hours is absolutely necessary, the following precautions should be taken: Never let someone follow you into the building. Ask the individual to use his/her own access card or key to enter. In an elevator, stand near the controls and locate the emergency button. Avoid entering alone an elevator occupied by a stranger.
Security Services can be contacted by dialling 3000 on any McGill phone. You can also reach us on any public telephone on campus by dialing 398-3000 at no charge. Emergency telephones are available in every major building near the main entrance and in every elevator.
Establish a phone check procedure with a family member, friend, or a co-worker working elsewhere in the building. If no one is available to you, contact Security Services.
When leaving the building, use the Walksafe (398-2498) service.
For info, visit www.mcgill.ca/security.
Recent relocations and appointments in the Office of Provost Anthony C. Masi:
To Suite 600, James Building:
Associate Provost (Policies and Procedures) William Foster with responsibility for: the Office of the Ombudsperson; the Social Equity and Diversity Education Office.
Interim Deputy Provost Jacques Hurtubise, with responsibility for: academic staff portfolio (Academic Personnel Office); the Office of Academic Management; the Office of Planning and Institutional Analysis.
Chief Information Officer: TBA (to report to the Provost).
To Suite 621, James Building:
Associate Provost (Academic Programs and Services) Morton J. Mendelson; Helen M.C. Richard, Academic Planning Officer; Cindy Smith, Course and Program Administrator; Kalyna Kruczowyj, Administrator (Academic Services); Linda Webb, Administrative Coordinator; Lauren Mundy, Secretary.