Owen Egan
They're hardly the Ice Capades, but this unsteady bunch are game to try new things. The McGill Alumni Association and the Office of International Student Services hosted a crew of international students for an indoor skating party on December 10 at 1000 de la Gauchetière West. Pictured here are (from left) Sheena Manning, Kate McCall, Lamia Dine (from UQAM) Heike Rusch (UQAM) Mahdi Dris (UQAM, right) and Khaled Archane (sitting deliberately, we're sure). No word on the identity of the hirsute gentleman in the red suit.
Tsunami felt at McGill
The McGill community reacted with shock to the news of the Indian Ocean
tsunami. A number of students, staff and alumni were affected by the
Pulp fact
McGill is the recipient of two new research chairs, funded through NSERC's
Industrial Research Chairs program. The two chemistry chairs, held by Theo
van de Ven and Derek Gray, will be housed in the Pulp and Paper Research
Newsmakers 2004
The Reporter's crack team of cable-TV-watching news-gnomes have
emerged from their Dorito-strewn couches, eyes red and glassy, greasy hands
smeared with newsprint. The 24-hour bouts of channel surfing and paper
clipping were all part of the behind the scenes effort to produce the only
Top Ten list that matters — McGill's top newsmakers of the year. It turns out
our staff, students and professors are getting noticed, by everyone from the
New York Times to Sports Illustrated to The
O'Reilly Factor.
Board of Governors: Slimming down for the new
McGill's Board of Governors has gone from 45 members to 25. Here's an
overview of the new structure.
Expansion planned for McGill's gym
The athletics renovations are proceeding apace, with new facilities for
martial arts, dance, golf and, eventually, a climbing wall.
Owen Egan
"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire/Jack Frost nipping at your nose/Yuletide carols being sung by a choir/And folks dressed up like Eskimos…" Wait a minute… the acceptable word is Inuit. Maybe "folks dressed like they're in the Gatineaus." In any case, we're sure some politically correct version of the song was running through the heads of student Lara Belinsky, Andre Theberge and Tanya Theberge (technology transfer office) and their children Lara (L) and Stephanie (R), Principal Heather Munroe-Blum and student Madeleine Gagnon, who were enjoying a snack at the Principal's Skating Party on December 19. And hey, there's that bearded guy in the red suit again!