Rugby player and first-year engineering student Caleb Balloch keeps his eyes on the prize on November 7. The Redmen took the Quebec university men's rugby title, beating Bishop's 55-17. The win capped an undefeated season for the rugby squad. Balloch celebrated with the Martlets, who took the Quebec soccer title that same day with a 3-0 win over Université de Montréal.
Andrew Dobrowolskyj
New risks for the social welfare state
The McGill Institute for the Study of Canada and Social Development Canada
are teaming up to host a conference that will look at the new challenges
facing our nation's social programs.
Ranking McGill home and away
The accolades keep coming, as McGill receives high marks from
Maclean's, the Times Higher Education Supplement
and Research Infosource.
Getting WETT with Richard Bruno
Director of the Office of Technology Transfer since June, Richard Bruno wants
to get McGill researchers excited about bringing their work to market. And
he's using theatre to get his message to the masses.
Get experience around the globe
With help from the Arts Internship Office, students gain eye-opening
experience from working around the world — South America to Africa to Asia
and many points in between. Last year's crop shared their experiences at a
workshop last month.
Analogue bodies, digital minds
Philosopher Ian Hacking delivered the 28th annual Osler Lecture on how we
view our bodies, minds and, ultimately, ourselves.
Awarding staff
The Principal's Award for Administrative and Support Staff returns for
another year. Nominations for the $5,000 prize close on December 22, so if
you want to recommend an exceptional non-academic staff member, the forms are
available now.
Edible urban landscape
In a few short years more than half of the Earth's swelling human population
will live in cities. Vikram Bhatt of the School of Architecture looks at city
spaces that encourage urban food production.
Auditor General not 'watchdog' says
Sheila Fraser spoke at the Faculty of Management about her career, and what
the Auditor General of Canada does — and does not — do.
Sheila Copps gave the annual Muriel V. Roscoe Lecture, sponsored by the McGill Centre for Research and Teaching on Women and the McGill Women's Alumnae Association, last Wednesday, November 3. The former deputy prime minister discussed women in politics and her new book, Worth Fighting For, before an attentive crowd.
Vladimir Eremin