Minister presents his views BRONWYN CHESTER
Education minister François Legault's discussion paper on the future of Quebec's universities has been drawing compliments and criticisms from the university community. |
More journals to go DANIEL McCABE
McGill's cash-strapped library system has been forced to make major cuts to its budget for research journals. Professors are up in arms over the cuts as McGill's collection continues to dwindle compared to those of the country's other leading research universities. |
A most stressful disorder BRONWYN CHESTER
Medical anthropologist Allan Young is one of North America's top experts on post-traumatic stress disorder. He says questionable medical decisions and political lobbying of the worst kind form an integral part of PTSD's history. |
Drunken monkeys hold a clue TIM HORNYAK
Geneticist Roberta Palmour spends a good chunk of her time with boozed-up vervet monkeys. In observing the monkeys, Palmour hopes the process will help yield clues to the genetics of human alcoholism. |
The countdown is on DANIEL McCABE
Are you Y2K compliant? You're running out of time to find out. And if you're not, someone might be waiting to sue you for your negligence. |
Machiavellian tennis MARIA FRANCESCA LoDICO
Think success in sports is all about athletic ability, good training and close teamwork? Guess again. Skulduggery and superstition also play a role. |
More in common than we think SYLVAIN COMEAU
For two regions who just can't seem to understand one another, Quebec and the West have a lot in common. |
Life between the borders PATRICK McDONAGH
Caught between a doc and a hard place, post-doctoral fellows are neither students nor professors. They exist in a sort of academic limbo, but the contributions they make to their universities can't be downplayed. |

The unseasonably warm weather we enjoyed recently was motivation enough for many students to take to the fields with soccer balls, footballs and frisbees aplenty. Essays can always wait until the cold sets in. Unfortunately, according to weather forecasters, that will be soon. Look for a lot more students in the cozy confines of a library cubicle in the days to come.