Slate challenges MAUT DANIEL McCABE
A team of candidates called the "democracy slate" are running for executive positions on the McGill Association of University Teachers. They charge that MAUT hasn't been a strong enough advocate for academics and that the current executive is a closed-minded clique. Current executive members say they're proud of their track record Ð they helped bring about the recent raises for professors. |
Fund goes to vote LESLIE STOJSIC
McGill's undergraduates are voting on a controversial measure Ð to create a new fund from increased student fees that would benefit McGill's libraries, the student union building and poor students. All agree the causes are just. But some students don't think they should foot the bill, the government should. |
Management for a better world BRONWYN CHESTER
A new program headquartered at McGill will offer the latest in management skills to a group of students who aren't focused on making money. The Master of Management for National Voluntary Sector Leaders will give idealists the business know-how they need to make sure that their concerns are heard. |
The trek back home LESLIE STOJSIC
No, he doesn't have a Nobel Prize or even an Emmy. Still, William Shatner, Star Trek's Captain Kirk, is probably McGill's most famous graduate. He recently visited his alma mater for the first time since he graduated. It brought back fond memories. |
Small magazines, big influence BRONWYN CHESTER
English Montreal writers have had a remarkable influence on the development of Canadian poetry. And a remarkable number of those poets got their start writing for McGill student publications. |
Hope for obesity and diabetes HÉLÈNA KATZ
A team of McGill biochemists have discovered a method for keeping mice slim and trim. Mickey and Minnie aren't the only ones celebrating. The find could lead to new drugs to treat obesity and type II diabetes in humans. |
All in a night's work DANIEL McCABE
McGill's medical residents work long hours, get little sleep and have almost no social lives. Still, they claim they don't mind -- they enjoy the challenge of becoming better doctors. One former resident, now a professor and author, believes the residency system leaves much to be desired. |

The Raging Grannies delighted an audience at the Faculty Club Tuesday night with their spirited performance and cheeky wit. Drawing on the recent Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky saga, the group sang a satirical tune about their own liaisons with Canadian prime minister Mackenzie King. They appeared at a concert organized by the McGill Centre for Research and Teaching on Women, the Women's Union, the Alumnae Society, the Women's Studies Student Association, and the Sexual Assault Centre of McGill Students' Society, to celebrate International Women's Day.