W.W. Wood Award for Excellence in Dental Teaching

Robert J. David

Faculty of Dentistry

As a most appreciative and genuinely touched recipient of the W.W. Wood Award, I would like to give credit to one of my role models, a former dean and professor in the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Ernest Ambrose. Dr. Ambrose appreciated a student's honest and sincere effort. His positive feedback and constructive criticism encouraged and challenged his students to try ever harder on their next assignment. Professor Ambrose was a great role model to his students by patiently sharing his knowledge and skill with them. This gentleman has had an influence on my teaching style with the third- and fourth-year dental students here at McGill where I encourage student participation and questions in a friendly and non-threatening atmosphere with the intention of generating enthusiasm and a desire to excel.

It is my hope that the graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry will realize upon graduation that their formal schooling may have ended, but their education must always continue. Today's graduates are at the leading edge of dental sciences; however, in a very short while, scientific progress and advances will make today's knowledge and techniques somewhat obsolete. Graduates have been given the ability to evaluate the newer sound and applicable concepts from those less sound and non-applicable. Throughout the new graduates' lives, a commitment to participate in the many forms of continuing education available will enable them to update their knowledge and skills, thereby maintaining their enthusiasm and pride in their chosen careers. It is my hope that the time I have spent with the students has encouraged them to become lifetime students.