MUHC site chosen DANIEL McCABE
Come 2004, the McGill University Hospital Centre will have a new home. The University has purchased the Glen Yards site in the city's west-end from Canadian Pacific Railways. The plan now is to build a campus-like hospital setting that soothes patients, rather than overwhelms them. The location provides a few challenges to be overcome, but MUHC planners are confident that the project is on the right track. |
Report on LSD raises hackles BRONWYN CHESTER
The McGill Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law was called in by the federal government to examine a controversial case involving the use of LSD on unconsenting women prison inmates in the 1960s. |
Planning for a planet in peril DANIEL McCABE
McGill anthropology professor Bruce Trigger's new book tries to breathe new life into a discredited academic theory. He also puts forth his plan to save the Earth. |
English professor David Williams's interest in monsters has paid off -- he is now a finalist for a national book prize. Williams laments that they just don't make monsters the way they used to. |
Anderson: Feminism's future secure SYLVAIN-JACQUES DESJARDINS
Feminism isn't licked just yet, says one of Canada's most influential women. Among feminism's greatest accomplishments, says Doris Anderson, is that it's made the world a better place -- for men. |
Following twentieth century plagues BRONWYN CHESTER
History professor Myron Echenberg is following the trail of the most recent widespread outbreak of the bubonic plague, a much-feared disease which, surprisingly, is still with us today. |
Casting spells for scientific literacy ELLYN KERR
Joe Schwarcz, an adjunct chemistry professor, says a magic show changed his life. Now he devotes himself to illustrating the everyday "magic" of organic chemistry that impacts on just about everything we do. |
Why McGill needs an A+ MARTHA CRAGO
The associate vice-principal (graduate studies) makes her case for changes to the University's grading system. |
The beauty of unpredictability SYLVAIN COMEAU
It's something of a fluke that the human race exists, says Stephen Jay Gould. He finds the thought comforting. |
Heeding the call DANIEL McCABE
Darla Sloan and Irene Smolik abandoned promising academic careers to make startling changes to their lives. Did the devil make them do it? Quite the reverse, actually. |

A knight at the podium: Oxford professor Sir Roger Penrose, co-author of The Large, the Small and the Human Mind with Stephen Hawking, gave two major well-attended presentations at McGill recently -- the Department of Physics's Anna I. McPherson Science Colloquium and (above) the Department of Philosophy's Maxwell Cummings Lecture.