Volume 29 - Number 8 - Thursday, January 16, 1997

News from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

Research Grants Office

FCAR: New actions concertées/call for proposals

* Action concertée sur la chimie combinatoire pour l'industrie pharmaceutique. FCAR/Astra/Biochem Pharma Inc./Bio-Méga/Merck Frosst.
Support grant for research in combinatorial chemistry for the pharmaceutical industry
Deadline: March 3, 1997
Research projects should focus on the development of new methodologies and new resins.
Total budget: $1,080,000/3 years. First year: $270,000 (3 to 5 projects will be funded).
Eligibility: University researchers (FCAR classification: CHU), individually or in teams.

* Action concertée sur les NTIC (Nouvelles Technologies d'Information et de Communication) en éducation. FCAR/Ministry of Education.
Support grant for research in the development and use of new information and communication technologies in education
Deadline: March 15, 1997
This program will support research focusing on primary and secondary school teaching. Consultation between researchers and potential users of research findings (teachers, educators) is important for the assessment of relevance. Research teams only are eligible.
Total budget: $2,750,000/5 years. First year: $550,000. Average grant: $50,000/year. Duration of the grant: 18 to 36 months.

* Action concertée FCAR/CEFRIO/CRIM.
Support grant in the field of language industries
Deadline: March 15, 1997. Second competition
Total budget: $150,000/year. Average grant: $50,000/year/research team. Duration: 2 years.
To be eligible interdisciplinary teams must receive additional funds from private industry (minimum 10% of requested research budget).

For more details about these Actions concertées, please contact RGO (3996) or the FCAR Internet site: http://www.fcar.qc.ca/menuac.html

CQRS (Conseil québécois de la recherche sociale)
Deadline: May 2, 1997.
Research Team Grants Program.
: New teams are required to send a letter of intent to CQRS before February 7, 1997.

IRSST (Institut de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec)
Deadline: February 4, 1997
. Research Grants Program.

RGO Internal Grants
SSHRC travel grants to a conference for students are now handled by the Fellowships Office (3995), Dawson Hall, Room 408.

Developing Area Studies names new director

Dr. Rosalind Boyd has been appointed Director of the Centre for Developing Area Studies (CDAS) from December 1996 to May 2001. Dr. Boyd, who has more than 25 years experience in international development work, is the first woman to be appointed director since CDAS was established in 1963. Former directors include: Professor Emeritus Irving Brecher, Economics (founding director); Professor Theo Hills, Geography; the late Professor Richard Salisbury, Anthropology; Professor Thomas Bruneau, Political Science; Professor Warwick Armstrong, Geography; Professor S.J. Noumoff, Political Science; and Professor Myron Echenberg, History.

Dr. Boyd is a recognized scholar in the fields of international labour, gender studies, democratic development and human rights. She has recently taught in Cuba and in Jordan, as well as conducted research in South Africa, Uganda, El Salvador and Jordan. She is the founding editor of the academic journal Labour, Capital and Society and is the author of an edited volume, Child Labour Within the Globalizing Economy. Among other tasks, she intends to continue her role as editor of LC&S and her research on the effects of globalization on the labouring poor, on issues relating to gender, health and environmental degradation in Jordan, and on the struggles of women in the democratization process in Uganda.

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