September 26, 1996

News from the Office of International Research

New Staff: OIR is pleased to introduce and welcome Madeleine Gauthier to the new position of Grants and Contracts Officer. Dr. Gauthier joined the Office of International Research in June 1996. Before that she was a visiting professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics. We wish her the best of luck and success with her new responsibilities.

OIR is on the WEB: Visit us at

Promotion of Links with Latin America

On October 2, 1996 McGill will host a training session for university administrators from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. Their visit will provide an opportunity to discuss research collaboration and exchanges.

Canada-Latin America Research Links Program

(Application Deadline October 15, 1996)

Faculty Travel Grants: partial support for travel to one or more Latin American countries for one to four weeks, to establish or consolidate research co-operation;

Visiting Lecturers Travel Grants: partial support to enable visiting lecturers from Latin America to visit one or more Canadian campuses for two weeks or longer.

Canada-Southern Cone Technology Transfer Fund (No deadline)

For projects involving technology and knowledge transfer with Chile, Argentina, Uruguay or Paraguay.

Promotion of Links with Western and Eastern Europe

Government of Quebec Collaborative Programs (Application Deadline October 31, 1996) Support for academic exchanges and travel costs related to collaborative research. Funding is for short (up to two weeks) or long (one to six months) visits and is intended to complement existing support.

Quebec-France 1996-97: The 1996-97 competition focuses on the following themes:

Engineering: Computer-assisted programs and processes;

Economics: Internationalization of markets and trade agreements (NAFTA and the European Union).

Quebec-Belgium 1997: Supports short visits and student internships (up to six months). Suggested themes are:

Québec-Communauté française de Belgique: Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Current Social Issues;

Québec-Wallonie: Health Sciences, Environmental Sciences, New Materials and Information Technology;

Québec-Flandre: Health Sciences, Environmental Sciences, New Materials, Information Technology and Biotechnology.

Going Global "Science and Technology with European Partners" (STEP) (No deadline) Partial support for travel, to help establish or consolidate research cooperation with partners in Western Europe.

Germany - John G. Diefenbaker Award

(Application Deadline November 1, 1996)

Enables a distinguished German scholar to conduct research in Canada for up to a year, in an area of the social sciences or humanities. Candidates must be nominated by a Canadian host.

Professional Partnerships Program

(Application Deadline October 25, 1996)

Travel support between Canada and countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The program supports activities promoting democratic and economic reform.

Reform Through Knowledge

(Application Deadline October 25, 1996)

Supports travel to or from the Ukraine for periods of approximately two months. Projects must support curriculum, structural and policy reform at Ukrainian post-secondary institutions, in areas such as Law, Business, Education, Environment and Administration.

Promotion of Links with Japan

Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) (Deadline October 31, 1996)

RITE is a Japanese organization. It will support joint research projects dealing with greenhouse gases implicated in global warming, as well as technologies relating to global environmental problems.

Note: the deadlines are agency deadlines. Internal (McGill) deadlines are 5 days earlier.

For more information on these and other funding opportunities contact the Office of International Research, 3550 University Street. Telephone: 398-4197.

Correction from RGO

The SSHRC deadline is October 15, 1996 and NOT October 16 as indicated in our RGO checklist (Pink Form) that was included in the SSHRC Standard Research Grant applications kit. A revised checklist was sent to all researchers who were on RGO's mailing list for SSHRC

grants. Please check your copy and make the necessary correction. RGO regrets this error and hopes it has not caused inconvenience.